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Sainte-Chapelle in Paris
Sainte-Chapelle in Paris is one of the most beautiful Gothic buildings in the capital of France. The chapel is located in the cradle of Paris – on the Ile de la Cité.
Despite its small size, thanks to the genius of its architect Pierre of Montreuil, it seems not only spacious and light, but also airy and majestic.
The history of the chapel has a very long history, beginning with its consecration in 1248. It was built for Louis the Saint (Louis IX) as a reliquary chapel (a place for storing sacred relics). Among them, the “Crown of Thorns, stained with the blood of Christ” was especially valuable. After the crusade, Louis received: particles of the Cross of the Lord, the spear of Longinus and several other relics that witnessed events from the Old and New Testaments. The Holy Chapel has become a worthy refuge for all these relics.
During its centuries-long existence, the chapel has been subjected to destruction, looting and restoration. For example, in the 15th century, the chapel’s spire and the round stained glass window on the western side were replaced.
But even now, the interior of Sainte-Chapelle amazes with its luxury, sophistication and wealth. The seven-meter-high frescoed vault, the most beautiful stained glass windows, the walls of the first tier decorated with heraldic lilies – all this amazes and inspires a reverent feeling of involvement in the grandiose events of French history. On the second tier of the chapel, you get the feeling that you are floating in the air, the isolation from the space of the walls completely disappears. And all this is due to the fact that all the windows on the second floor are huge stained glass windows. And the light from outside, filling the second tier from all sides, successfully creates the illusion of complete freedom!
Some of the stained glass windows of Sainte-Chapelle are unique reproductions, but, interestingly, most of them are originals that have been preserved since the mid-13th century. If you want to fully experience the beauty of Gothic architecture and the sophistication of French art of that time, be sure to visit this chapel. And a model from the PARIS ESCORT 24 agency, for example, Bella, can keep you company.